
Secret Stories® Method

Secret Stories® brain based approach to phonics brings the study of words to life in an engaging and playful way that deepens learning and makes it stick.

Secret Stories® is always teaching.

The Secrets are always brought into reading and writing with kids using what they are learning. Skill transfer occurs naturally within every reading and writing experience—all day long, making Secret Stories® the easiest thing you will ever teach.

Secret Stories® works naturally with the brain by activating every learning channel for accelerated access to the “whole” phonics code from the earliest possible grade levels, making it one of the most highly effective reading instruction concepts available for both beginning and struggling, upper grade readers.

Studies have revealed that more than 99 percent of learning occurs at the nonconscious level. Learning at this level is effortless, and includes visual cues, sounds, experiences, and feelings processed by multiple memory systems and in varied learning domains.

By introducing information to the brain from as many angles as possible, more neural connections are created and strengthened. As a result, learning is more holistic and multidimensional. The more systems and modalities utilized for learning, the stronger the learners’ ability to receive and retrieve the information.


Brain-based reading. The Secret Stories. (2020, August 26).